Sophie Charlott Ebert, M. Ed.

Sophie Charlott Ebert

Head of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit

Media designer digital and print, Master of Education Media Design/Design Technology, German Language and Literature, Educational Science, University of Wuppertal, since April 2013 employed at the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit

  • Since February 2020 Head of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit
  • From 02/2020 until 12/2020 Temporary Central Equal Opportunities Officer at the University of Wuppertal
  • 2016-2020 Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer at the University of Wuppertal


Office hours by arrangement

Room: O.12.16
Tel.: 0202/439-3090
Fax: 0202/439-3317

Email: ebert[at]