Diversity at the University of Wuppertal

The University of Wuppertal sees diversity as an opportunity and regards the diversity of its members as a building block for productive and collaborative progress. Recognizing the different dimensions of diversity and synergistically utilizing them is a core component of the university’s structural development.

The idea of the Gardenswartz & Rowe (2003) diversity model is to make diversity more tangible in organizations. At the center of this multi-layered model, personality is surrounded by a person's nearly immutable characteristics. These have the greatest impact on inclusion or exclusion. These characteristics form the core dimensions of diversity, which are presented below - adapted to the self-image of the University of Wuppertal.

Dimensions of Diversity

Counselling Offers

Stabsstelle für Gleichstellung und Vielfalt

Equal Opportunity Officer

Autonomous Student Council Departments


Service Offers

Stabsstelle für Gleichstellung und Vielfalt: Informationen zur Personenstands- und Namensänderung an der Bergischen Universität per Selbsterklärung

Monitoring der Frauenanteile

Funding Programmes

The University of Wuppertal supports both early career researchers and general efforts to promote gender equality through a variety of funding programmes and instruments, such as the Summer University, the Science Career Center and the Gender Equality Award.

  • Around 6% of BUW students are parents.
  • The Family Office offers a variety of measures to help reconcile studying and family life and provides a range of services such as the KidsBox, the book box and a babysitting exchange.
  • The brochure "Studying and working with a child" offers parents guidance.

Family Office

Weitere Serviceangebote und Kooperationen

Kinderfreizeiten - Das Ferienbetreuungsprogramm für Kinder von Hochschulangehörigen der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal


Krabbelgruppe "Uni-Zwerge"

Das Ziel der Bergischen Universität ist es, nichtdiskriminierende und förderliche Studien-, Forschungs- und Arbeitsbedingungen zu schaffen, in denen sich jede*r Einzelne optimal entfalten und entwickeln kann.

 – Diese Inhalte werden derzeit bearbeitet. –

Die Bergische Universität versteht sich als weltanschauungs- und religionsneutrale, weltoffene und tolerante Universität.

Raum der Stille: Gebäude G, Ebene 09, Raum 84 (G.09.84)

As of: 18.08.2022

Further Sections