for transgender, intersexual and non-binary persons in cases of discrimination

Advising transgender, intersexual and non-binary persons in cases of discrimination

Group-related discrimination and violence can be experienced in every social setting. The University of Wuppertal pursues to create non-discriminatory and tolerant conditions for studying, teaching, and working. However, the University cannot prevent this principle to be violated from time to time, either consciously or unconsciously. Transgender, intersexual or non-binary persons can experience discrimination on a physical and verbal basis. At the University of Wuppertal, there are various advisory bodies which provide support in cases of discrimination:

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit

The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit will help you with any questions or problems regarding the topic of gender equality.

Netzwerk der Qualitätsbeauftragten (Network of Quality Representatives, QSL)

Persons affected by discrimination can also contact the Netzwerk der Qualitätsbeauftragten (Network of Quality Representatives, QSL). A quality representative is assigned to every students’ association. Furthermore, there is a central complaints office. The QSL commits itself to be independent, confidential, neutral, and show respect to every person affected. Further information can be found on the following website:

Student Union (AStA)

The Student Union’s queer department takes care of transgender/intersexual/non-binary students. People suffering from discrimination can contact the Student Union via email: queer[at]

Online-form to report cases of discrimination

The Student Union (AStA) offers an online form for students who suffer discrimination at the University of Wuppertal to report the incident. Students can use the form either anonymously or by filling in their name. All personal data will be treated confidentially. In the former case, however, the options to offer support are significantly higher. Consulting at the Student Union (AStA) includes general legal advice free of charge, if desired.

Equal Opportunities Office

The Equal Opportunities Officers are responsible for issues of women at universities and universities of applied sciences. Transgender women/non-binary persons who are considered female will therefore receive advice. Please refer to the following website: 

Psychologist Dr. Britta Marfels

Contact person for employees in stressful employment and living situations.